Update Page Title To Include Search Query
Integration Steps
- components/search/Query/index.ts
In the following example, you can see how you can interact with page elements outside of Findify's components and modify your search results page title to include a search query.
You should add updateQuery function to components/search/Query.
const defaultTitle = document.title;
const updateQuery = (query) => {
// display either the default title including queries on your search page or the default title only
const titleText = query && query.length > 0
? `${defaultTitle} | ${query}`
: defaultTitle;
document.title = titleText;
This function should be called after every query update. Therefore we have to put it inside useEffect.
* @module components/search/Query
//default code
export default memo(
({ theme = styles }: { theme?: Record<string, string> }) => {
const { meta } = useQuery();
const translate = useTranslations();
const query = escape(meta.get('q') as string);
useEffect(() => updateQuery(query), [query])
return (
html={getContent(meta, translate, query)}
Finally, components/search/Query will look like.
* @module components/search/Query
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useQuery } from '@findify/react-connect';
import styles from 'components/search/Query/styles.css';
import escape from 'lodash/escape';
import Text from 'components/Text';
import useTranslations from 'helpers/useTranslations';
import { memo } from 'react';
const getContent = (meta, translate, query) => {
const hasFilters = !!meta.get('filters');
const total = meta.get('total');
if (!query && !hasFilters) {
return translate('search.noQuery');
if (hasFilters && !query) {
return translate('search.showingEmpty', total);
if (meta.get('corrected_q')) {
const text = translate('search.showing', total);
return `${text} "${escape(meta.get('corrected_q') as string)}". ${translate(
)} "${query}".`;
if (meta.get('query_type') === 'or') {
const text = translate('search.showing', '0');
return `${text} "${query}". ${translate('search.partialMatch')}`;
const text = translate('search.showing', total);
return `${text} <b> "${query}"</b>.`;
const defaultTitle = document.title;
const updateQuery = (query) => {
// display either the default title including queries on your search page or the default title only
const titleText = query && query.length > 0
? `${defaultTitle} | ${query}`
: defaultTitle;
document.title = titleText;
export default memo(
({ theme = styles }: { theme?: Record<string, string> }) => {
const { meta } = useQuery();
const translate = useTranslations();
const query = escape(meta.get('q') as string);
useEffect(() => {
}, [query])
return (
html={getContent(meta, translate, query)}
MJS Version
This module has been optimized forΒ MJS version 7.1.25
Updated about 1 year ago