Set Several Categories Per Product

Frequently asked questions in regards to Shopify integration

There are 2 ways you can create several categories per one product:

  1. Using the Product Type field in Shopify.
  2. Using the Product Tags field in Shopify.

1. Product Type field in Shopify



Please Note: This change will only be reflected within Findify where it can be applied as a facet or filter products in configurations/merchandising. In Shopify, the full query will be read as ONE category value. If applied, ensure your Shopify configurations for e.g. Automated Collections are aligned accordingly.

Steps to set several categories per product:

  1. Create several categories per product on Shopify using the Product Type field.
  2. Product Sync on Findify Merchant Dashboard

Step 1: Create several categories per product

If you want to specify several categories per product, you would need to:

  • Go to the product page in Shopify
  • In the "product_type" field, insert the symbol "##" between the different categories. For instance "Category 1 ## Category 2". This feature also works for the hierarchy of categories, for instance: "Cat 1 > Subcat 1 > Subsubcat1 ## Cat 2 > Subcat2".

Step 2: Product Sync

Go to our Merchant Dashboard and perform product sync.


2. Product Tags field in Shopify.

Steps to set several categories per product:

  1. Create several categories per product in Shopify using the Product Tags.
  2. Contact Findify to setup the Tags-based settings.
  3. Product Sync on Findify Merchant Dashboard

Step 1: Create several categories per product using the Product Tags.

If you want to specify several categories per product with Product Tags, you would need to:

  • Go to the Product Page in Shopify.
  • In the tags section, you would need to create multiple tags in this format - "Category:some_category". This feature also works with nested categories: "Category:Cat1>Cat2".

Step 2. Contact Findify Support Team.

You need to contact Findify Support: to update the settings to use the Product Tags for Category filters intead of Product Type field.

Step 3: Product Sync

Go to our Merchant Dashboard and perform product sync.


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