Mobile Autocomplete with removed keyboard on scroll
#1. Background
#2. Time Estimates
Set up in Platform: n/a
Integration: ~40 minutes
Styling: ~20 minutes
#3. Functional Overview
#4. Integration Steps
First of all, open up the 'Sidebar Autocomplete' component.
We'll start with 'cx' import from 'classnames'. We need to add 'findify-mobile-...' class to our autocomplete container.
After that, we need to get isMobile value.
Then, we re-render our component with useEffect if it is mobile version. We add a scroll event listener to the autocomplete container and trigger the 'handleScroll' function. Also, we are adding some styles to the 'body' tag, as well as removing all functionality on unmount.
Finally, we create handleScroll function which removes keyboard and disables the autocomplete input.
Other Autocomplete Components
If you want to add this functionality to another autocomplete component, you need to change input variable, because it is not coming from Findify. Also, you need to set events for another autocomplete container.
{/*... import cx ... */}
import cx from 'classnames';
{/*... other imports and some code ... */}
export default ({ theme = styles, config }) => {
{/*... some code ... */}
{/* set isMobile value */}
const isMobile = window.innerWidth < window.findify.config.get('mobileBreakpoint');
{/*... some code ... */}
{/* remove keyboard onscroll */}
const handleScroll = useCallback(() => {
{/* IF it is NOT Autocomplete/Sidebar component, you need to use querySelector to get non-findify input */}
input.current.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
useEffect(() => {
if (input.current) {
setTimeout(() => input.current?.focus(), 100);
document.addEventListener('focusout', onFocusOut, true);
{/* re-render component if isMobile */}
if(isMobile) {
{/* set scroll event listener to autocomplete container */}
document.querySelector('.findify-layouts--autocomplete--sidebar__content').addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
{/* set some styles to <body> */}
document.querySelector('body').setAttribute('style', 'position: relative; overflow-y: hidden; touch-action: none;')
return () => {
{/* remove all on unmount */}
document.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
document.removeEventListener('focusout', onFocusOut);
}, []);
return (
{/* add class for css */}
<div className={cx(theme.root, 'findify-mobile-' + isMobile)} data-findify-autocomplete={true} tabIndex={0}>
{/* ... some code... */}
By the way, if you want to add horizontal scrolling to search suggestions, you need to add some properties to .findify-mobile-true .findify-components-autocomplete--suggestions__list and add last-child CSS to the 'li' element.
.findify-layouts--autocomplete--sidebar.findify-mobile-true .findify-components-autocomplete--suggestions::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
height: 100%;
background: linear-gradient(90deg,hsla(0,0%,100%,0) 0, #fff, 100%, #fff);
width: 120px;
right: -50px;
.findify-mobile-true .findify-components-autocomplete--suggestions {
position: relative;
.findify-mobile-true .findify-components-autocomplete--suggestions__list {
padding: 0 15px 10px 0;
width: 100%;
overflow-x: auto;
max-width: calc(100vw - 50px);
white-space: nowrap;
.findify-mobile-true .findify-components-autocomplete--suggestions__list li {
margin: 0 12px 0 0;
display: inline-block;
Updated over 1 year ago