Adding Content Search to Autocomplete and Search Results

This guide will walk you through setting up a content search widget for Autocomplete and Search Results in your Shopify store using Findify's solutions


Quick Setup Overview

  1. Enable Content Search in the Database:
  2. Create a Content Integration in the Merchant Dashboard (MD):

Detailed Steps to Add Content Search Widget

Enable Content Search

First, ensure content search is enabled in your database by following the activation link: Activate Content Search.

Create Content Integration in Merchant Dashboard (MD)

  1. Access the Content Integration Page:

  2. Select Integration Type:

    • Choose the appropriate integration type from the available options.
  3. Define Integration Name:

    • Enter a name for your content integration.
  4. Save and Activate Integration:

    • Save your integration and activate it by toggling the switch.
  5. Start Content Puller:

    • After saving, initiate the content puller. Note that this process may take some time.
  6. Configure Searchable and Returnable Fields:

    • Once the content puller completes, configure the fields you want to be searchable and returnable.
  7. Save Configuration:

    • Save your content configuration to complete the MD setup.

Customize in Shopify Theme

  1. Open Theme Customization:

    • Select the theme you want to customize, click "Customize," and then open "App embeds."
  2. Configure Autocomplete Settings:

    • Open "Findify Autocomplete" and adjust the limit, sources, and title for content search.
  3. Set Sources and Title:

    • Sources: Retrieve the necessary sources from the MD.
    • Title: Set your desired title for the content search.
  4. Add Content to Search Results:

  • Go to the extension, open the search results page, and add the content source and title.
  • Sources: Retrieve the necessary sources from the MD (same as for autocomplete).

List of Components for Content Customizations

  1. findify-contents.liquid
  2. findify-grid-content.liquid
  3. findify-content-card.liquid
  4. findify-content-tabs.liquid