Manually Configure Smart Collections for Norce

What is Smart Collections?

Smart Collections enables Findify to power the product results in Category/Collection pages. It enables Personalization, Visual merchandising, Rule based merchandising, Filters, Custom sorting etc.

Read more about Smart Collections


Changing an Automatic Collection to Manual and applying multiple conditions

How do I Manually configure Smart Collections

There are two options:
A. Transform an Automatically Synced Collection into a Manual
B. Set up a new manual Collection

Transform an Automatic Collection

i) Find the Collection in the list of existing collections
Tip: Use the Filtering option to only show Automatically synced or use the search bar to directly find the right collection.


Overview of existing collections in Findify's Dashboard

ii) Open the collection and disable the Automatic Sync by flicking the "enabled" status bar.

The selected collection will no longer sync automatically, but can be re-enabled at any point.
To configure, follow the same steps below as when setting up a new smart collection.


Enabled - Automatically synced with Norce
Disabled - Manual Control

Set up a new manual Collection

i) Click "Create Collection"


Create Collection

ii) Add the URL for the page where the Smart Collection will be displayed.
This is used as "key" or "handle" for the system to know which collection to display.

Pro Tip: The URL's work dynamically for your domain.
Instead of: ""
You can simply use: "women/womens-accessories"


Insert desired URL

iii) Add Inclusion Criteria.
Most common is to use Add Condition > Only Include > X

  • Multiple Criteria can be combined.
  • Search queries can also be used, alone or in combination with only include.
  • Any field in the feed can be used

Brand Collection


Field Names

The name of your fields are by default named from the Hyperdrive export. These can easily be changed in the Findify Dashboard.

  1. Follow the steps above to either add a new collection or transform an existing from auto to manual
  2. Select the field Brand, and one or several applicable options:
  3. Save

Smart Collection Based on Brand values

Sales Collection


Discount Field

The discount field is an automatically calculated field.
It is a function of "Sales Price"/"Original Price" and hence ranging from 1-100.

  1. Follow the steps above to either add a new collection or transform an existing from auto to manual
  2. Select the field Discount type min: "1". Other threshold values can of course also be selected.
  3. Save

Collection based on Discount

News Collection



An automatic field based on create date.
Yes = Create data is within the last 30 days
No = Product is older

  1. Follow the steps above to either add a new collection or transform an existing from auto to manual
  2. Select the field News_Binary and select: "Yes"
  3. Save

Only include new products

Multiple Condition Collection

Any field in the feed can be used to set up inclusion criteria.

  1. Follow the steps above to either add a new collection or transform an existing from auto to manual
  2. Click "Add Condition" and add applicable conditions.
  3. Save

Multiple conditions, combining include & exclude


To review which products that are included based on your conditions, use the integrated Preview.




Note: The purpose of the preview is to review included products.
For performance reasons, no front-end customizations are applied in the preview.