Display Custom Fields on Product Cards

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to display custom fields, such as a brand name, on product cards in Findify's native Shopify app. The app is built using Liquid, Shopify's templating language.

Step 1: Configure Custom Fields in Merchant Dashboard

To display custom fields, you need to first enable them in the Findify Merchant Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to Merchant Dashboard:

    • Go to Merchant DashboardSettingsPrimary SetupFiltering.
  2. Find and Edit the Field:

    • Locate the field you want to display on the product card and click the edit icon next to it.
  1. Enable Return in Liquid Framework:

  • In the field settings, enable the option Return in Liquid Framework.

Step 2: Update Theme Liquid File

Next, update the theme's Liquid file to display the custom field on the product card.

  1. Open the Theme Editor:

    • In Shopify, go to Online StoreThemesEdit Code.
  2. Locate findify-product-card-connector.liquid:

    • In the theme editor, find and open the findify-product-card-connector.liquid file.
  3. Assign Custom Field Values:

    • Scroll to the end of the findify-product-card-connector.liquid file.
    • Here, you can assign values depending on your needs.

By following these steps, you can easily display custom fields such as a brand name on product cards in Findify's app for Shopify. This allows for greater customization and enhances the visibility of important product attributes.