
Did you know?

77% of consumers read reviews before making a purchase decision.
89% believe online reviews are trustworthy and accurate.

We've partnered with, to help you use the power of your customers' words to increase conversion by adding reviews to their shopping experience.

How to get started with on Findify?

  1. Have your Private Key and Public Key ready from your account. If you don't have them, go to, on the "API Keys" tab and click on the "Show" button. The client ID is the public key.
  2. Log in to your Dashboard
  3. Navigate to the top-right of your menu to : Plugins
  4. Click on
  5. Click Enable
  6. Enter your Public and Private Keys
  7. Click Save

The next thing youโ€™ll need to do is sync your products so the reviews will start to flow into search results.
If youโ€™re on the Enterprise Plan, you can do this right now using the "on demand sync" feature. All other plans will sync according to their plan schedule. As soon as your products sync, reviews will be live on your site!


How to use the "on demand sync" feature?

  1. Navigate to the "settings" section located on the top-right of your Dashboard menu, by clicking here.
  2. Choose Product Sync from the left-side menu.
  3. Click Sync

All set! Product reviews are now live on your site!