Merchandising suite


All merchandising abilities are available for both Search and Smart collections and work in the same way


Recommendations have only Filtering rules that have all merchandising rules included, as well as pinning

There are several merchandising capabilities that you can adjust the ordering of the products or the content that is shown on the page.


Pinning is useful when you want to put certain products on the top of the results. This can help when you are obliged to do that by the brand or want to sell products with low\high stock or with high margins.



In search you pin products by search query, in smart collections - by smart collection.


If a product was part of the search query or smart collection before but not anymore, you can still see it in the pinning interface but not on the actual results page

Merchandising rules

Merchandising rules are useful when you need to manipulate groups of products - push them to the top, bury to the bottom of the results. You can use the fields that are available to us to identify product groups - category, brand, price, etc.


Merchandising rules

Merchandising rules are applied by query or a smart collection.


You can only apply one set of rules for a query or a smart collection

Filtering rules

Filtering rules works in the same way as Merchandising rules, but are applied to Recommendations. There are 2 more actions available for filtering rules: include and exclude, with the help of which you can remove groups of products or show only that group of product defined by the rule.


Filtering rules


Certain combinations of filters can lead to 0 products being recommended in some cases


Banners can help attract the attention of your customers - they are shown right above the product results and can contain a link. A banner can be useful when you have a promotion for certain brand or discounts running in certain cases.



Configuration of banners in the dashboard


Illustrative example of a banner tied to a search query


Each collection or search query can have only one banner attached