Findify Agent Reference
Findify Agent includes Search
, Autocomplete
, Recommendation
and SmartCollection
classes, each of them has a different entry point, validation rules, and required configuration fields. You can read more about it in the SDK section.
The Agent configuration extends SDK and provides few more options:
boolean [optional][default: false]
Under the hood, Agent works with Immutable.js data structures, which allows a fast comparison between changes in response. By default this option is set to false
, which makes Agent convert immutable data to standard JavaScript primitives. Set this option to true
to switch back to immutable data and remove the overhead produced by calling Immutable.toJS()
number [optional]
This option allows debouncing requests to the server in milliseconds, that is very helpful for Autocomplete
so that requests are not sent for every typed letter. We recommend setting this option to 300
for autocomplete.
function [optional]
The callback function which will be fired if an error has occurred during request to the server.
.on('change:items', function(items, meta) {})
Subscribes to events in Agent's response.
First argument is the name of the event [event]:[[deep]:]
, which specifies the event that you are subscribing to. You can subscribe to changes in deeply nested objects, e.g. change:items:0:title
to get changes just for the title of the first item in the response.
Second argument is callback function which will be called when event is triggered. The first argument in the callback is data you were subscribed to, the second - metadata from the server response.
.off('change:items') // Unsubscribe from all 'change:items' events
.off(function) // Unsubscribe specific callback
Unsubscribe from event updates. You can pass either the event name or the handler function.
.set('q', 'white') // Set "q" value directly
.set('filters', function(existFilter){}) // Or merge values
Updates query state.
First argument is the name of the field.
Second argument can be a value or a function to merge new values with already existing ones.
The 'set' and 'defaults' functions can be chained, which will the set the data and merge it with default values before sending the request to the server.
If you want to send separate requests for defaults
and set
values, use setTimeout
to delay the execution of the function
.defaults({ q: 'white', limit: 40 })
Set default values for request.
These values can be overwritten by .set
function and will not be tracked in .on
event handlers. The behaviour is similar to 'set'.
In order to reset values in defaults
, just call it with an empty object
.reset() // Will reset whole query to default value
.reset('q') // Reset just a "q"
If called with a string, will reset that parameter in the query.
Query parameters
: [string]
: [required]Search
: [optional]SmartSollection
: [optional]
: [number]
: [optional]Search
: [optional]SmartSollection
: [optional]
: [number]
: [optional]Search
: [optional]SmartSollection
: [optional]
: [array]
: [optional]SmartSollection
: [optional]
Filters in Agent have a different structure than in SDK. To simplify work with them we've removed type
and nested object in values
. The library will automatically add needed type and normalize filter values before sending request to the server .
Filter types:
: [array]
.defaults({ filters: { category: [[ 'category 1', 'category 2' ]] }) //to define nested categories
.defaults({ filters: { category: [[ 'category 1']] })
: [object]
.defaults({ filters: { price:[{ from: 1, to 20 }] } })
.defaults({ filters: { price:[{ from: 1 }] } })
.defaults({ filters: { price:[{ to: 20 }] } })
: [string]
.defaults({ filters: { brand: ['samsung'] } })
.defaults({ filters: { brand: ['samsung', 'apple'] } })
Updated about 5 years ago