This is the old version which is deprecated and not supported.
Findify Merchant JS API
Important note: using this feature requires knowledge in JavaScript (CSS and HTML are optional, but are good to have for UI customization). Please remember, that modifying your shop code can lead to unexpected behaviour. If you need any assistance in customization, we'll be happy to refer you to one of our partners.
Our Merchant JS exposes an API that is both easy to consume and can be really powerful.
We have also created Examples that cover the basic use-cases and you can use for reference.
MerchantJS API Lifecycle
When using the merchantJS API it's good to know the lifecycle that the views and data go through.
When initialising the Merchant JS the gotConfiguration event is fired before passing the configuration to the components, which means you can do some live tweaking of the configuration and affect how the search works and looks for your customers - this may include personalisation or adding extra content.
When the UI components are initialised they start in an empty state, after that the Merchant JS requests data from the server which is resolved and passed on to the components. To affect how the data query looks you can use the getData event. This gives you the data query before it's handed over to the backend for processing.
After the backend processes the data query, it returns results to the Merchant JS. You can use searchGotData and autocompleteGotData events to decorate the results to add extra features, for example you could have a realtime-api for the prices and update them accordingly. At this stage no component is udpated so anything you add to the data will be later handed over to the components. These events must return the data object or must use the emmiter to update the data model for the components to render.
Once the data is processed and returned the rendering lifecycle phase starts, in this phase you have access to the DOM elements and their data models: all the events that have Rendered in their name can be used to change different aspects of the search results components. Additionally the searchRenderedFacets,searchRenderedFacet and searchRenderedHeader events have an extra emitter propery, which can be used to create calls to the Search API (which drives the whole cycle back to point 2)
This cycle is run every time a change to the query is made from the UI (like selecting facets, changing the results page, changing the order, etc).
Supported api events:
autocompleteGotData, (autocompleteSearchApiResponse,updater);
autocompleteRenderedSuggestions, ({node: DOM,data: suggestions});
autocompleteRenderedProducts, ({node: DOM,data: products});
searchGotData, (searchSearchApiResponse,updater);
searchRenderedHeader, ({node: DOM,data: metaInformation, emitter: queryDispatcher});
searchRenderedFacets, ({node: DOM,data: facets, emitter: queryDispatcher});
searchRenderedFacet, ({node: DOM, data: facets, emitter: queryDispatcher});
searchRenderedResults, ({node: DOM,data: products});
searchRenderedFooter, ({node: DOM,data: metaInformation});
searchRenderedBanner, ({node: DOM,data: banner});
gotConfiguration, (searchConfiguration);
// query
getData, (query);
Adding API calls:
/*global findifyApiRegistry*/
window.findifyApiRegistry = [function(api) {
api.on(api.events.*, function(data) {
// do awesome custom stuff
Adding the script to your store
You should include any API related scripts before referencing our main JS script.
window.findifyApiRegistry = [ // should be an array of functions
function (api) { // each function gets an injected API object with the IApi interface
// data retrival
// this returns an IApiEvent object, the first parameter is of EApiEventsType
api.on(api.events.searchGotData, function (apiData, dispatch) {
console.log(apiData); // the complete search response data
// synchronous augumentation example
apiData.products.forEach(function (product) {
product.title += ' yeah!'; // data augumentation before the views receive it
// asynchronous augumentation example
someAsyncFunction(function(extraProduct) {
return apiData; // return data to views (you can return null if you use dispatch(apiData);
// rendering
api.on(api.events.searchRenderedResults, function (apiData) {
console.log(apiData.node); // the top-level node for a product box (after augumentation)
console.log(apiData.data); // all the data related to the product
enum EApiEvents {
// api event interface
interface IApiEvent<EVENT_DATA> {
// api interface
interface IApi {
on<EVENT_DATA>(event:EApiEvents, handler:(eventData:EVENT_DATA)=>EVENT_DATA):IApiEvent<EVENT_DATA>;
dispatch<EVENT_DATA>(event:EApiEvents, eventData:EVENT_DATA):EVENT_DATA;
Required tracking tags
When using a completely custom DOM layout for the search results, it's important to add proper tracking tags to the DOM, so that our machine learning alghoritms can work properly.
Each link to a product page and each add to cart button action should have the following tags:
- data-findify-type="search-product"
- data-findify-id="{product.id}"
For example:
<a href="http://yourStore.com/product-link" data-findify-type="search-product" data-findify-id="5280418631">Go to product</a>
Updated almost 8 years ago