Get the predictive results. The answer contains both search suggestions to direct the end user to high-conversion queries, and item matches to help them understand what will be displayed in the complete search results.

Autocomplete response description

// Autocomplete response structure
	/** Autocomplete request meta data */
	meta: {
		/** Item limit - this is the limitation of the product matches returned */
		item_limit: 3,
		/** Suggestion limit - this is the limitation of the suggestions returned */
		suggestion_limit: 6,
		/** Query taht was used to perform request */
		q: 'sample',
		/** Rerquest ID - first part: prefix that points to the source of the request (a/s/sc/r/c) */
		/** In case of autocomplete request prefix - is "a" */
		/** Second part is randomly generated string */
		rid: 's-9fcc881c-1420-4e57-bc58-e234829c363c'
  	redirect: {
	    /** name of the redirect */
	    name: "NAME",
	    /** url of the redirect */
	    url: "URL"
  	/** Array of returned suggestions */
  /** Mapping of returned content items for each requested content source */
  content: {
  	"shopify-blog_123": [
        /** Returnable content items fields */
      	title: "some title",
        url: "some-url",
        [field_name]: "field-value"
	suggestions: [
			value: 'a',
			redirect: {
				/** name of the redirect */
				name: "NAME",
				/** url of the redirect */
				url: "URL"
			value: 'b'
	/** Array of returned product matches */
	items: [
		/** Object that represents default autocomplete product match */
		/** Important note: there might be additional fields in response, it depends on autocomplet returnable fields configuration */
			/** Boolean flag that indicates whether the product is available or not */
			availability: true,
			/** Product ID */
			id: '4123451324123',
			/** Product URL */
			product_url: '',
			/** Price with which the discount price is compared */
			/** In case when product doesn't have sale price this fields will be -1 */
			compare_at: 100,
			/** Array of availble product prices */
			price: [90],
			/** If product has a sale price this field contains array of numbers */
			/** that represents discount value in percentage for each discounted price */
			discount: [10],
			/** Url for thumbnail image (cropped main product image) */
			thumbnail_url: '',
			/** Object with boolean flags which indicates which stickers to show  */
			stickers: {
				discount: true,
				availability: true,
				in-stock: true,
				out-of-stock: false
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!