
request.type required (RequestType): The type of the request to be sent to the API. Check the type definition below for more details.
request.params required (Params): The parameters that are sent to the request. Check the Types for more details on the params object.


type required (RequestType): 'autocomplete' | 'search' | 'smart-collection' | 'recommendations' | 'feedback' | 'content'. Determines the type of request sent.
user.uid required (string): Unique customer id.
user.sid required (string): Session id. optional (string): Customer email.
user.ip optional (number): Customer ip. optional (string): Customer user agent.
user.lang optional (string[]): Languages.

Params.user optional (User): Current user identity info. Can be provided on initialisation or per-request.

The rest of the request.params object depends on the value of request.type. Below are listed all different variants of the Params type.

Types required (string): Name of filter
Filter.type required (string): Type of filter
Filter.values optional (FilterValue[]): Array of selected filter values
Sort.field required (string): Field to sort by
Sort.order required ('asc' | 'desc'): Sorting order
FilterValue.value optional (string): Selected filter value
FilterValue.from optional (string): Selected filter 'from' value (for range filters) optional (string): Selected filter 'to' value (for range filters)

type: autocomplete

Params.q: optional (string): The autocomplete query
Params.suggestion_limit optional (number): Limit of search suggestions
Params.item_limit optional (number): Limit of product matches

type: search

Params.q required (string): The search query
Params.offset optional (number): Offset of product items. Used for pagination
Params.limit optional (number): Number of products in result
Params.filters optional (Filter[]): Array of selected filters
Params.sort optional (Sort[]): Array of selected sorts

type: smart-collection

Params.slot required (string): Collection handle
Params.offset optional (number): Offset of product items. Used for pagination
Params.limit optional (number): Number of products in result
Params.filters optional (Filter[]): Array of selected filters
Params.sort optional (Sort[]): Array of selected sorts

type: recommendation

Params.type: required ('slot' | 'newest' | 'trending' | 'latest' | 'viewed' | 'bought' | 'purchasedTogether' | 'featured'): The recommendation type
The rest of the params depend on the recommendation type.

  • Params.type: 'slot'
    Params.slot required (string): The collection handle
    Params.item_ids required (string): Array of product item IDs
    Params.offset optional (number): Offset of product items. Used in pagination

  • Params.type: 'newest' | 'trending' | 'latest' | 'featured'
    Params.offset optional (number): Offset of product items. Used in pagination
    Params.limit optional (number): Limit of product items in response. Used in pagination

  • Params.type: 'viewed' | 'bought'
    Params.offset optional (number): Offset of product items. Used in pagination
    Params.limit optional (number): Limit of product items in response. Used in pagination
    Params.item_id required (string): The product item ID.

  • Params.type: 'purchasedTogether'
    Params.offset optional (number): Offset of product items. Used in pagination
    Params.limit optional (number): Limit of product items in response. Used in pagination
    Params.item_ids required (string[]): Array of product item IDs.

type: content

Params.filters optional (Filter[]): Array of selected filters
Params.sort optional (Sort[]): Array of selected sorts
Params.q required (string): Search query

type: feedback

Params.event: required (EventType): The feedback event type. The event can be one of the following values:
EventType: 'click-suggestion' | 'click-item' | 'redirect' | 'purchase' | 'add-to-cart' | 'update-cart' | 'view-page'

The rest of the properties on the Params type depend on which event is being sent. The different Params properties are defined below.


LineItem.item_id: required (string): Item ID of the bought item.
LineItem.variant_item_id: optional (string): Variant item ID of the bought item.
LineItem.unit_price: required (string): Sale price of the product.
LineItem.quantity: required (string): Quantity bought.

  • event: click-suggestion
    Params.rid: required (string): The request ID preceding the clickthrough.
    Params.suggestion: required (string): The suggestion that is clicked.

  • event: click-item
    Params.item_id: required (string): The item ID of the clicked item.
    Params.variant_item_id: optional (string): The variant item ID of the clicked item.
    Params.rid: required (string): The request ID preceding the clickthrough.

  • event: redirect
    Params.rid: optional (string): The request ID preceding the redirection.
    Params.suggestion: required (string): The suggestion that leads to the redirection.

  • event: purchase
    Params.order_id: required (string): The order ID.
    Params.currency: required (string): Currency of the purchase.
    Params.revenue: required (number): The total revenue.
    Params.line_items: required (LineItem[]): The.
    Params.affiliation: optional (string): Affiliation of the purchase.

  • event: add-to-cart
    Params.item_id: required (string): Item ID added to cart.
    Params.rid: optional (string): Request ID preceding the add-to-cart.
    Params.quantity: optional (number): Quantity added to cart. default = 1.

  • event: update-cart
    Params.line_items: required (LineItem[]):.

  • event: view-page
    Params.url: required (string): URL of the page viewed.
    Params.ref: required (string): Referrer of the page.
    Params.width: required (number): Width of the customer's browser.
    Params.height: required (number): Height of the customer's browser.
    Params.item_id: optional (string): Item ID - only for product pages.
    Params.variant_item_id: optional (string): Variant Item ID - only for product pages.


Result of requested operation, depends on type of request.

Examples of usage:


var request = {
  	type: 'autocomplete',
    params: {
      q: 'autocomplete-query',
      suggestion_limit: 10,

client.send(request).then(function(response) {
    // handle autocomplete response


var request = {
	type: 'search',
  params: {
    q: 'search-query',
    offset: 24,
    limit: 48,

client.send(request).then(response => {
	// handle search response

Smart collection

var request = {
	type: 'smart-collection',
  params: {
    slot: 'collection-name',
    offset: 24,
    limit: 48,

client.send(request).then(response => {
	// handle smart collection response


var request = {
	type: 'recommendation',
  params: {
    type: 'trending',
    offset: 24,
    limit: 48,

client.send(request).then(response => {
	// handle recommendation response

Content search

var request = {
	type: 'content',
  params: {
    q: 'search-query',
    offset: 24,
    limit: 48,

client.send(request).then(response => {
	// handle content search response


var request = {
	type: 'feedback',
  params: {
    event: 'click-item',
    item_id: '1234',
    rid: 'abcd1234',

client.send(request).then(response => {
	// handle feedback response